Summit Schedule:
9:00 - 10:10 AM
Land Acknowledgement
Corrina Gould, Tribal spokesperson for the Confederated Villages of Lisjan & Co-Founder, Sogorea Te' Land Trust
Cheryl Davila, Founder & Chair of CEMTF/ Former Councilmember, City of Berkeley
Michael A. Smith, Center for Food, Faith & Justice
Yesica Prado, Friends on Wheels
Tiny (Lisa) Gray Garcia, Daughter of Dee/Co-madre/Co-founder POOR Magazine/PoorNewsNetwork(PNN)/Homefulness, Author, PovertySkola: UnSell MamaEarth-Homefulness and The World Poor people's led solutions to poverty & climate terror
10:10 - 11:00 AM
Homelessness in the Age of Climate Change & The History of Homelessness and Policing
Ian Cordova Morales, Where Do We Go Berkeley & The Homeless Action Center
5 minute Break
11:05 - 11:50 AM
Climate, Immigration & Refugees
Cathi Tactaquin, Former Executive Director, National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights
The Path from Crisis to Care
Mary Kay Benson, North State Shelter Team
11:50 AM - Noon
Announcements & Closing
Cheryl Davila