The goals of the Summit include:
o Encourage as many municipalities, school districts, Air Quality Districts and other regulatory agencies to Pass Climate Emergency Declarations and Fossil Fuel Free Resolutions with explicit commitments to an emergency climate mobilization and just transition across municipalities and regulatory bodies of nine Bay Area counties; and
o Identify specific legislation to advance these resolutions, including fossil fuel elimination, the creation of local 100% clean energy, large-scale drawdown of carbon, local food and clean water security, zero waste, transitioning to clean forms of transportation that are equitably accessed, community-based and humanitarian disaster preparedness, and fostering community resilience; and
o Commit elected officials, municipal departments and regulatory bodies to radical and expedited action toward a just transition including climate mobilization departments, staff, resources, programs, regulatory legislation, incentives and constituent/community engagement and participation; and
o Mobilize sectors and constituents toward creating the mandate required for a radical just transition and political influence necessary on local and State government, regulatory bodies and corporations; and
o Foster the creation of broad and powerful regional coalitions to see the mobilization through, advocating for policies and holding governments accountable; and
o Offer a vision of an alternative that is regenerative, based on a safe climate, equitable, healthier and more just - use this terrifying threat as an opportunity to build unity and seek justice.